Update 7-19-2023
The crews have finished all of the concrete roadway, driveway approaches and sidewalks. We are currently waiting on the concrete testing results to show the concrete has reached the proper strength before all areas can be opened to traffic. We are anticipating the roadway and all driveways will be open to traffic on Friday, July 21st . Once the testing results show the proper strength, all barricades at the driveways and the intersection of Beech and Evergreen will be moved. Beginning on Friday, you may use your driveway, garage, etc. normally, parking on the side streets will no longer be necessary.
The restoration crew is continuing to do repairs to sprinkler systems and brick paver walkways throughout the project area. Areas on Carol between McKinley and Evergreen are in the process of getting the final grading and preparation for sod and tree planting.
Update 6-16-2023
Over the course of the last week crews have formed and poured approximately 1/3 of the road surface. This portion of the project often takes the most patience. The construction activity on the street is minimal while all the crews wait for the concrete to cure. It is critical to not drive over or work on top of the concrete during this process. The concrete is currently being tested to ensure it meets the design strength to carry the weight of heavy vehicles and equipment.
Assuming the tests come back showing the concrete can bear the weight of the equipment, crews will be back the middle of next week. You will see crews preparing driveways and sidewalks throughout the newly paved area for concrete. You will also see crews continuing to do the final grading on the road base and continue to form the road. We anticipate crews will continue to pave the north side of Carol, then round the bend to pave the east side of Evergreen. As the road paving continues, the homes that will have driveway access impacted will be notified by hand delivered notice.
Update 6-2-2023
Crews are installing the new stone road base, and construction of the road base will continue through the middle of next week.
Beginning Thursday, June 8 crews will begin forming and pouring the concrete road pavement. The road surface installation will start on the South half of Carol St at McKinley and will move from East to West along Carol St. Crews are anticipated to pour the South half of Carol St from McKinley to the curve at Evergreen next week. Access to driveways and garages will be blocked for approximately 8 days beginning 7:00AM Thursday, please remove all vehicles from driveways on the Southside of Carol St from McKinley to the curve so that crews can work efficiently. Those homes that will be directly impacted by this first phase of paving will receive a hand delivered notice. During the paving process there will be times that access is impacted by trucks and equipment as crews prep, form and pour the road.
Please note, crews pouring concrete are scheduled to work Saturday, June 10th.
Also note, the concrete crews may work into the early evening hours depending on the weather. Hot and dry weather impacts the cure time of the concrete.
Update 5-31-2023
Crews have completed the installation of the underground infrastructure including all water, sewer and storm system work. You will now see the next crew progressing to reconstructing the road surface.
Beginning today, Wednesday, May 31st crews are cutting and grading the base of the road. The process of building the stone road base started on Carol St at McKinley and will move from East to West along Carol St, then South to North along Evergreen St. As crews pass each home, stone ramps will be added to allow driveways to be accessed. During the construction of the stone road base, traffic will be open to access driveways. There will be times that access is impacted by trucks and equipment as crews dig out the subsoil and install new stone. This work is estimated to continue through the end of next week.
Following the install of the road base, crews will begin the next phase of replacing the concrete road surface. As the project progresses to the concrete work, hand delivered notices will be dropped off to each home explaining the impacts to your driveway access. Work will be done in stages to provide limited access as the concrete cures.

Update 5-18-2023
The crews have installed all of the service lines and are getting down to the final three connections between the new water main and the rest of the City system.
Tomorrow, Friday, May 19th crews will do the remaining tie in connection at the Beech and Evergreen intersection in the morning. Please note the work in the intersection will require the intersection to be closed to traffic during the morning hours. In addition, the section of Beech from Evergreen to Sheldon will be closed in the morning too. After completing the work at Beech and Evergreen, crews will reopen the intersection to traffic. Crews will then transition to work on the tie in connection at Carol and Evergreen in the afternoon. For the duration of the tie in work, the Carol and Evergreen intersection will be closed to traffic.
The tie in connections will impact water service to some locations for each tie in. A hand delivered notice was left at each location that will be affected by the water shut offs tomorrow. If you did not find a notice on your door or porch, your water should remain on through out this work.
Next week, Monday, May 22nd crews will install the last tie in connection at Carol and Beech Ct. Traffic will be impacted while work is going on in the intersection of Carol and Beech Ct. Once work is complete the intersection will be reopened to traffic. This tie in connection will impact water service to some locations. A hand delivered notice was left at each location that will be affected by the water shut offs on Monday. If you did not find a notice on your door or porch, your water should remain on through out this work.
Early to middle of next week crews will work to abandon the old water main and remove the old valves and manholes. Additionally, crews will install edge drain under the location where the road curbs are to be installed.
Please keep in mind inclement weather may delay or postpone the project dates.
Please note that turning valves off (and then back on) may cause a temporary discoloration of your water. If this should occur, please allow your cold water to run for a few extra minutes to clear the color. The discoloration is caused by the natural minerals in the water being stirred up during the connection of the water system and/or your service line, and the water remains safe and secure to drink.
Update 5-15-2023
We are aware that the City solid waste contractor, Republic Services, has not been able to access some portions of the streets that are under construction. If you have any trash, recycling, yard waste and/or, large trash items that have not been picked up, please make sure they are at the curb today.
Please place the items at the curb in a visible location, not blocked by construction equipment, materials, etc. The City crew will be coming through this afternoon to collect any missed items from last week.
Update 5-12-2023
This week crews successfully completed the first water main tie in, the new water main is now in service. The crews began to install the new water service lines for each house, with approx. 60% of the homes now moved onto the new water main. The remaining homes will be moved to the new water main when crews return next week.
Following the completion of the water service line installations next week, crews will move on to the remaining water main tie ins. Once all six of the water main tie ins are completed the old water main will be disconnected from the system and abandoned.
Please keep in mind inclement weather may delay or postpone the project dates.
Please note that turning valves off (and then back on) may cause a temporary discoloration of your water. If this should occur, please allow your cold water to run for a few extra minutes to clear the color. The discoloration is caused by the natural minerals in the water being stirred up during the connection of the water system and/or your service line, and the water remains safe and secure to drink.
Update 5-8-2023
Crews delayed the first water main tie in that was scheduled for today to allow multiple private contractors to complete sanitary sewer line replacements.
Tomorrow, Tuesday May 9th the new water main will be connected to the rest of the City’s water system. The connection is NOT anticipated to interrupt any resident’s water service. All residents are expected to continue to have water service during this process tomorrow.
Turning valves off (and then back on) may cause a temporary discoloration of your water. If this should occur, please allow your cold water to run for a few extra minutes to clear the color. The discoloration is caused by the natural minerals in the water being stirred up during the connection of the water system, and the water remains safe and secure to drink.
Please keep in mind inclement weather may delay or postpone the project date. If this occurs, you will receive further notice of any water shutoff(s).
New water service lines will start to be installed on the new water main beginning Wednesday, May 10th. As the water service for a house is disconnected from the old main, the water service for that house will be shut off. Crews will be contacting residents in person, by knocking on doors, before your water is turned off. Once the new water service is connected to the new water main crews will contact you again, by knocking on your door, to verify that your water service is restored. This process takes a few hours to complete at each house. Crews will continue with water service installations throughout the remainder of the week. Please keep in mind inclement weather may delay or postpone this work.
Update 5-7-2023
Looking ahead to this week:
Tomorrow, Monday May 8th will be the first water main tie in. The new water main has passed all of the tests so far, and will be connected to the rest of the City’s water system in the early afternoon tomorrow.
The process of doing this first tie-in is NOT anticipated to interrupt any resident’s water service. All residents are expected to continue to have water service during this process tomorrow. The tie in will require a section of water main in the intersection of Carol and McKinley to be shut down (no homes are fed from this small section).
Turning valves off (and then back on) may cause a temporary discoloration of your water. If this should occur, please allow your cold water to run for a few extra minutes to clear the color. The discoloration is caused by the natural minerals in the water being stirred up during the connection of the water system, and the water remains safe and secure to drink.
Please keep in mind inclement weather may delay or postpone the project date. If this occurs, you will receive further notice of any water shutoff(s).
Beginning Tuesday May 9th new water service lines will start to be installed on the new water main. As the water service for a house is disconnected from the old main, the water service for that house will be shut off. Crews will be contacting residents in person, by knocking on doors, before your water is turned off. Once the new water service is connected to the new water main crews will contact you again, by knocking on your door, to verify that your water service is restored. This process takes a few hours to complete at each house. Crews will continue with water service installations throughout the remainder of the week. Please keep in mind inclement weather may delay or postpone this work.
Weekly Update: 5/4/2023
Work is complete on the water main. The new water main is being disinfected and flushed. Testing is currently underway to ensure the new water main is safe to connect to the rest of the city system. Pending passing test results, the first water tie in will occur early next week with service line installation beginning by midweek.
Weekly Update: 4/28/2023
Water main installation continued this week. The crews have installed nearly 80% of the main line as of today. Next week, crews will continue to install the new water main and, pending drier weather, the install of main will be complete. Then, pressure testing will occur on the newly installed pipe to ensure it does not leak and then the pipe will be flushed and disinfected. Before the new main can be connected to the rest of the city water system, bacteriological testing will be performed. While the testing is ongoing and results are pending, crews will work on the storm drain and catch basin repairs.
Weekly Update: 4/21/2023
Crews have started water main installation. New water main has been installed starting at the intersection of McKinley and Carol running approximately 400 feet down Carol to the west. New water main will continue to be installed next week.
Weekly Update: 4/14/2023
The eastbound lane of Carol from McKinley to Evergreen was removed. The westbound lane is open for one way traffic only. Underground work is anticipated to start next week.
The curbs and roadway of S. Evergreen between Carol and Beech were removed. Please be cautious around heavy equipment and make sure pets and child stay off equipment.
The resident meeting was held on Tuesday, March 21 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. The information packet provided at that meeting is available