2025 Schedule
This year, service will begin on April 7, 2025 and ends the week of December 1, 2025.
Service Details
Any City of Plymouth resident or business may utilize the compost collection program. Any items out for compost must be placed in a brown Kraft lawn refuse bag or a can marked for compost. Compost can may be marked with an “X” or identified with a “Compost” sticker available at the Municipal Services office. Compost includes grass clippings, leaves, branches, and yard debris. Compost does not include sod, dirt, rocks, dog poop, and potted plants.
Collection Schedule and Holiday Collection
Compost is collected between the beginning of April and the end of November, annually. Compost must be placed out to the curb by 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled collection day to ensure pickup. Compost may be placed out starting at noon the day before the scheduled collection day.
Unless otherwise notified, only six holidays impact collection: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When these holidays fall on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, there will be no collection on the holiday and all pickups will be delayed by one day. For example, if the holiday is on a Monday, then Monday collection will be on Tuesday, Tuesday collection will be on Wednesday, and Wednesday collection will be on Thursday. If the holiday falls on a weekend, your collection day will not be affected.
View the trash and recycling collection days map.
For the 2024-2025 fiscal year, there is no additional charge for compost pickup.
How it Works
To ensure pickup, place compost bags and/or cans designated for compost as close to the curb or roadside as possible. Place the bags and/or cans so that they have three feet of clearance from parked cars, mailboxes, other carts, and other street hazards or amenities. Ensure the lid can close – overfilled carts may be too heavy or may lose contents when serviced. If your compost was missed, please call our office as soon as you notice at 734-453-7737 ext. 0.
Food Composting
The City of Plymouth has partnered with Midtown Composting to offer food composting pickup from your porch. It costs $29.55 per month with an initial $5.00 sign-up fee. For more details and to sign-up visit their website.