Obtaining a Local Criminal Background Check
A local criminal history background check, indicating your conduct in the City of Plymouth may be requested for local or international purposes. You may request a certificate on yourself, by showing proof of residency, such as a driver's license. A local criminal background check is prepared for a fee of $10 and usually takes one to two business days to complete.
A request for a criminal conviction history can be made through the Michigan State Police. It must include your name, race, sex, and date of birth, or fingerprints, then sent directly to the Michigan State Police.
There is also a Public Criminal History Record that is available online for a fee. The website for ICHAT is provided through the Michigan State Police.
Database Information
The Michigan criminal history database is updated daily with felony and misdemeanor conviction information provided by law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, and courts throughout the State of Michigan.
The search includes only Michigan felony and misdemeanor arrests where the defendant has been convicted in a court and the conviction has been added to that subject's criminal history record. It does not include arrests without a conviction, any outstanding warrants, federal arrests, or arrests from other states.
Use of ICHAT can be used for some jobs requiring a criminal background check.