Pedestrian Safety

Please use sidewalks - it's the law!

Over the course of the last month, we have received many complaints regarding runners and walkers using the City streets instead of the sidewalks during hours of darkness.  Concern for safety is the basis of most of the complaints.  Many drivers state they sometimes do not see these folks until they are right on top of them.  Others are frustrated because they have encountered walkers and runners taking up so much of the road that drivers are forced to move into the oncoming traffic lane in order to pass. 

All walkers and runners should understand that state law requires pedestrians to use sidewalks when a sidewalk is provided.  When a sidewalk is not provided, a pedestrian may walk or run on the left side of the road facing traffic but must not impede or interfere with traffic.  A violation of this statute is a civil infraction.

For pedestrians that walk or run in the road for lack of a sidewalk, it is important that you take responsibility for your safety.  Wearing black or dark colored clothing is a recipe for disaster, as drivers will not be able to see you.  Bright colored reflective clothing, on the other hand, will make you very visible.  In addition to wearing bright reflective colors, pedestrians should wear some kind of lighting device.  These devices are inexpensive and make a world of difference. 

City Hall and the DDA have a limited supply of such devices that are free of charge and may be picked up at City Hall during normal business hours.